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来源: 中东文学汇 时间:2024-04-30
1、我要露出点小马脚来,好让你看出来我喜欢你。 I'm going to show you a little bit so that you can see that I like you. 2、如果不是生命早已枯萎,我又怎么会选择那么痛故意忘记了你。 If not life has withered, how can I choose so painful, deliberately forget you. 3、你是谁朝思暮想的笔尖少年,在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌。 Who are you? You are a young man with a pen tip who yearns all the time and turns into a song in the desolate road of juecheng. 4、其实,单身久了真的会让人上瘾。 In fact, being single for a long time is really addictive. 5、自私一点吧,就过自己的生活。 Be selfish and live your own life. 6、无力许你一生笑,但求思我不愁容。 I can't make you laugh all your life, but I don't look sad. 7、逃来逃去还是逃回这里,爱来爱去还是爱你。 To run or to run back here, to love or to love you. 8、一个人只要不再想要,就什么都能够放下。 As long as a person no longer want, anything can be put down. 9、以前你给过的快乐,现在都陪着我难过。 Before you gave happiness, now accompany me sad. 10、如果那些飘渺的自由是你想要的,那么我会全给你。 If those misty freedom is what you want, then I will give it all to you. 11、其实人和人很容易彼此原谅的,难的是理解对方后的再次信任。 In fact, it's easy for people to forgive each other, but it's hard to trust each other again after understanding each other. 12、我们并没有真正成熟,只是学会了在人前越来越装逼。 We didn't really mature, we just learned to act more and more in front of people. 13、永远不要怀疑,你正经历着人生中很好的时刻。 Never doubt that you are going through the best moment of your life. 14、已经等待了很久很久,那么,再多等待一些,又是否会在乎? Has been waiting for a long time, then, wait for some more, will care? 15、做你自己,因为别人都有人做了。 Be yourself, because others have done it. 16、我愿将所有月色一饮而尽,只留下一个黑夜,去思索所有月色。 I would like to drink all the moonlight, leaving only one night to think about all the moonlight. 17、如果离开,就不要再安慰,因为每一次缝补,都会穿心的痛。 If you leave, do not comfort, because every sewing, will pierce the heart of the pain. 18、各走各的路,各受各的苦。 Go your own way and suffer your own sufferings. 19、得不到安全感,所以我把自由还给你。 There's no sense of security, so I give you my freedom. 20、你是否也曾很喜欢一个人,喜欢到眼里没有别人了? Have you ever liked someone so much that there is no one else in your eyes? 21、写一篇很长很长的字,别人不一定看到,你自己心里却会泛泪。 Write a long, long word, others may not see, but your own heart will be full of tears. 22、放下苦痛,才能沐浴阳光。人生在世,开心就好。 Put down the pain, to bathe in the sun. Life in the world, happy is good. 23、自从生命拥有了智慧,追求永生的欲望就从来没停止过。 Since life has wisdom, the desire for immortality has never stopped. 24、兜兜转转,原来得不到的,终究是得不到。 After all, what we can't get is not. 25、我在卡布里为你弹奏一首月光鸣曲。 I'll play a Moonlight Sonata for you at cabry. 26、爱情就像两个人在拉皮筋、受伤的永远是不愿意放手的那个。 Love is like two people in the rubber band, injured is always reluctant to let go of that. 27、愿我能陪你颠沛流离,愿你能陪我久至老去。 I hope I can accompany you wandering, I hope you can accompany me for a long time. 28、小时候,我们等待某一天长大,长大后我们又等待成人。 When we were children, we waited for one day to grow up. When we grow up, we wait for adults. 29、想得到幸福其实并不难,诀窍是:不要为自己的选择后悔。 It's not hard to be happy. The trick is: don't regret your choice. 30、无限的思念,分别的痛苦,独处的寂寞。 Infinite missing, pain of parting, loneliness of being alone. 31、他以感情为筹码,下了这一场赌注:碧落红尘,唯他永不叛她。 He took the emotion as the chip, made this gamble: Blue falls the world of mortals, only he never betrays her. 32、宁愿与狼为伍,也不与狗同行,我不坏,也不是什么好人。 I'd rather be with wolves than dogs. I'm not bad or good. 33、多希望能每天来一场雨,雨过之后,所有东西都变干净了。 I wish I could have a rain every day. After the rain, everything will be clean. 34、没有通向快乐的路,快乐本身就是路。 There is no way to happiness, happiness itself is the way. 35、这辈子太痴情了,下辈子有机会脚踩八条船。 This life is too infatuated, next life has the opportunity to step on eight boats. 36、单枪匹马你别怕,一腔孤勇又如何,这一路你可以哭,但不能怂。 Don't be afraid to be alone. You can cry, but you can't counsellor along the way. 37、累了的声音是很温柔的证明,你是我的秘密。 Tired voice is the most gentle proof, you are my secret. 38、我想把所有对你的爱全部倾覆,让你知道这些都是真实。 I want to overturn all my love for you and let you know it's true. 39、我的头发没有香味,我喝烈酒从来不醉,我等的人迟迟未归。 My hair has no fragrance, I never get drunk when I drink strong liquor, and the people I wait for are not coming back. 40、我想和你在海边、看潮起潮落。我想和你在山头、看日出日落。 I want to be by the sea with you and watch the tide rise and fall. I want to be with you at the top of the mountain and watch the sunrise and sunset. 41、我的幸福、就是看着你幸福。只是、幸福的有些难过而已。 My happiness is watching you happy. It's just that I'm happy and sad. 42、总有那么一天,你会发现,我不是谁都可以替代。 One day, you will find that not everyone can replace me. 43、答案很长,我准备用一生的时间来回答,你准备要听了吗? The answer is very long. I'm going to answer it in my whole life. Are you going to listen? 44、很多年以后你和她情深似海,还会不会想到欠我一个未来。 Many years later, you and her love, will not think of owe me a future. 45、你只是随手给了朵花,我却红了脸,想用余生做代价。 You just gave me a flower, but I blushed and wanted to spend the rest of my life as a price. 46、你若活在别人的眼里,就会迷失在自己的心路上。 If you live in the eyes of others, you will be lost in your own heart. 47、终于如你所愿,我已将你视为平常,连看你一眼都觉得多余。 Finally as you wish, I have you as usual, even look at you feel redundant. 48、温暖不再,岁月静好。那些你曾经给过的温暖,我终年不忘。 Warm no longer, years quiet good. I will never forget the warmth you once gave me. 49、谁都有过去,但不要让过去妨碍了自己去创造未来。 Everyone has a past, but don't let the past get in the way of creating the future. 50、不敢去试探你心里是否还有我因为我怕是在自取其辱。 Don't dare to test whether you still have me in your heart, because I'm afraid I'm insulting myself.



